Friday, May 13, 2011

Reasons, Timing and Original Poetry

                   So...of course, the one time my only desire was to blog and assault your eyes and mind with an epically long rant on my blog...blogspot was down. However, I realize that there was a reason for that. If I had had the opportunity to blog endlessly last night in the throws of my angsty mindset,  I wouldn't have talked and analyzed my misplaced emotions with probably the closest friend I currently have, and I wouldn't have been able to make amends with a friend who has been absent from my life for quite a while by assaulting his oddly eager ears with my emotional rant that all of you with now be spared from feeling obligated to read (though who really reads this? lol). Also, I wouldn't have taken the time to write a poem which stems from the emotional attack my mind was suffering from my heart, and my night just wouldn't have been as successful and mending to my heart as it was. So, though I was annoyed with, I realized that there truly is a reason and perfect timing for everything in our lives, even something as small as a blog website being down, or a welcome though unusual phone call from a friend. Anyway, I've wasted enough space with my glib sentences and thoughts and it's time to get to the heart of this post: I'm going to post my poem!

Now I'm not going to claim to have any great command of the English language that enables me to be eloquent or show any deep insight into what it means to experience this human life, though one of my favorite poets, Dickenson, seemed to be able to convey those very things in a few words, and Tennyson in a few more. But, I will say that this poem is just an insight into Brianne, and my mind. Take it as it is and I hope that it proves to provide at least a moment of entertainment for you, even if it is just to pause and laugh at my very obvious melodrama. Here we go....

When I Forget You Love Me by Brianne Ramsay

When I forget you love me
I analyze and deflect
Thinking that it's my heart
I need to protect.

When I forget you love me
All of our sweet moments cease to exist
I can't even recall
The pull of your kiss.

When I forget you love me
I strike and I bite
Forcing myself to blame you
With all of my might.

When I forget you love me
I cry in secret and hold things in
Painting you as the culprit
Of some great sin

But wait
I think I missed the point.
It's not your love I forget
But my own

When I forget I love you
It becomes only about me
Wanting to force you to change
To finally see

How I feel and suffer
What a burden you are to me
That you're supposed to by my buffer
Against all the tragedies that  be

But if I simply remember what I know
I would see I'd been incredibly low
For it shouldn't matter; whatever you do
The simple truth is:
I love you

Nothing transcends that


  1. "Now I'm not going to claim to have any great command of the English language that enables me to be eloquent or show any deep insight into what it means to experience this human life"

    Then I'll claim it for you - You have a great command of the English language that enables you to be eloquent and show deep insight into what it means to experience this human life! :P

    It's a very nice poem/thought. :)

  2. Thank you, Andrew! And I'm so glad that there's someone who reads my blog lol :)
